How do I scan a QR code with an iPhone?

If you have a QR code provided by BubblyNet you can use the standard iPhone camera to scan the QR code.

  1. Download the BubblyNet App from the iOS App Store. The QR code can only be used by the BubblyNet App.
  2. Open up the standard camera app and point it at the QR code provided by your BubblyNet contact.
  3. 1. The camera will discover the QR code and ask if you want to open the BubblyNet App.
  4. The BubblyNet App will download the network associated the QR code and install it onto the iOS device as a basic user.
  5. 1. After installation, the app will open the downloaded network for immediate control.
  6. 1. If you are currently using the app, you will need to go to the Networks screen to refresh your available networks.

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